
How a Blog Can Make Your Business Better

typing on a keyboardIn February, we talked about how HR can effectively use social media. A blog is an extension of social media, and in many ways can do more for your business than what Facebook or Twitter alone can. Blogging can be a great tool for HR departments, especially when trying to drive potential clients to your website.

Here are a few examples of how a blog can be a great addition to your business:

  • Accountability: In order to write an efficient business blog, you have to stay active and up-to-date with technology and news happening in your industry. By knowing what is going on in the world of your business and your industry, it becomes easier to answer any client questions that come your way.
  • Connection: Blogging brings an audience, some that are familiar with your business, and some that aren’t. When a blog is posted, it can be shared on multiple social media sites, which exposes your business to people that might not have found your website otherwise. Building a connection between your business and potential clients is one of the most important relationships you can establish.
  • Traffic: When it comes to blogging, one of the most important things to keep in mind is how it can work to bring new visitors to your site. Blogs generate buzz, especially when done correctly. And after reading an excellent blog post, many people will click around your website to other pages that establish your business and let the audience know what your company has to offer.

Truthfully, a post might be the easiest way to get a potential client to your website. We don’t mean to say that blogging is easy; it’s hard work, but once you’ve established your blog, your content can bring countless visitors to your site when executed correctly.

A blog is a great first step in getting your business noticed. Is your business interested in starting a blog for your business, but you aren’t sure how? Check out Hubspot’s article on how to write an effective blog post.

At Integrated Consulting Group, we specialize in the design, development, and customization of SAP Human Capital Management business software for leading edge North American companies with global reach. We believe in an all-encompassing approach, and if you have any questions about SAP HCM or Human Resources, feel free to contact us via the contact page of our site, or on Twitter or LinkedIn. We’d love to hear from you.

photo credit: striatic via photopin cc

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