
4 Tips for Technology In the Workplace

Some people love technology. They crave the newest software, iPhone, tablet, or gaming system. Others don’t know that their laptop is capable of playing a DVD or that their phone has the power to hold all of their music downloads. Technology uses are changing daily; social media isn’t just used to connect to your old high school friends or to follow your favorite actors anymore. The medium on how to get information to your clients or future clients has changed drastically; blogging, ... Read more

Are You Pushing Potential Candidates Away?

In a few of our past blog posts, we have talked about the importance of the hiring process and what to look for in a candidate. It’s also important to remember that your candidates are evaluating you and your company as well. Here are a few things that you might be doing that turns candidates away (you might not even know you’re doing them): Online presence: First, have an online presence, whether it be a Facebook page, Twitter account, website, and/or blog (the ... Read more

Go Ahead & Fail: Learning from Failure

For most people, it’s difficult to admit to failure, mostly because we tend to view failure as a bad thing. It’s because somewhere along the way, the word failure became personal; people think that when they fail, it reflects back on them as a person and that they are somehow insufficient or lacking because of their mistakes. That doesn’t have to be the case. As innovator Ben Shaffer says in his presentation on failure, you can’t get to the ground-breaking ideas without building ... Read more

Facebook Privacy and Networking: How-To

If you have a Facebook timeline, you might have noticed recently that the advertisements on your homepage have been suggestions based on what you have been looking at on other sites. It’s a bit creepy, right? This isn’t the first time that Facebook has been accused of taking away people’s privacy. It’s scary to think that your personal information is being compromised. If you have a problem with your privacy being invaded, it seems like the smartest thing to do is delete ... Read more

The Hiring Process, Part III: For the Interviewee

This post is part III of a three-part series about hiring. The last two weeks, we covered what to look for when hiring and how hiring affects your business. You can find part I of the series hereand part II here. The last two weeks, we’ve been focusing on the company’s side of the hiring process. This week, we’ll take a look at how the interviewee can stand out. Here are a few things to remember during the interview process as a job seeker: Revise ... Read more

SAPPHIRE NOW + ASUG Annual Conference 2014 Recap

Last week, I had the opportunity to travel down to Orlando, Florida for this year’s SAP SAPPHIRE NOW + ASUG Annual Conference, which took place from June 3rd-5th, 2014. This wonderful conference brings together thousands of people for a great business technology conference by SAP and an information-packed American SAP Users’ Group conference, and I’m very glad I was able to attend. Like I did after this year’s HR 2014 conference, I wanted to take a moment and run through some of ... Read more

The Hiring Process, Part II: How Hiring Affects Your Business

This post is part II of a three-part series about hiring. Over the coming weeks, we’ll cover several different aspects of the hiring process, from how hiring affects your business, to what an interviewee can do to stand out from the rest. You can find part I of the series here. On the surface, it seems obvious how hiring affects your business. But we need to dig a little deeper in order to understand just how important the hiring process is. It’s estimated ... Read more

The Hiring Process, Part I: What to Look for When Hiring

This post is part I of a three-part series about hiring. Over the coming weeks, we’ll cover several different aspects of the hiring process, from what to look for when hiring, to how hiring affects your business, and what an interviewee can do to stand out from the rest. The hiring process may seem to be a tedious task on the surface, but having a driven, dependable team of workers is the best way to invest in your business. So how ... Read more

3 Takeaways from Last Week’s Shutterfly Mishap

A few months back, we discussed how social media has a large number of uses in HR, from finding new recruits to managing and branding your company. What we didn’t mention then was how social media can help in crisis management. A few weeks ago, Shutterfly (a company who helps its customers turn photos into photo books, stationery, and countless other gifts) accidentally sent out an email to many of its customers congratulating them on their new arrivals. The problem was that ... Read more

Listening Up: Why Listening Is So Important as a Business Owner

One of the most important responsibilities of a business is to make sure each employee feels valued. What’s the best way to do that? The web is full of advice on how to help your employees succeed as members of your business. But where’s a good place to start? By listening to your employees. Sounds pretty easy, right? Except thinking honestly, many of us know that it really isn’t. There are so many things going through our minds during a work day that actually ... Read more
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