
SAP HCM Payroll tip: Preventing errors before they occur & using user exits to your advantage

As part of the audit process, SAP customers develop a number of custom reports for the HR module to look for things like missing infotypes or specific items. Let’s look at some tax calculations – especially if you're a company that has many, many tax jurisdictions. In the US, for example, if you’re a company in Pennsylvania or Ohio where employees move between areas and there are many locals. In these cases, you may not have the configuration set up for the ... Read more

SAP HCM Payroll tip: Timing your payroll processing to prevent errors & give IT and HR some breathing room

Typically, companies are running their payrolls on Monday or Tuesday so they can get a payroll out by the end of the week and make direct deposits in a timely manner. When dealing with that, typically audits should start at least a day or two prior. If it's on Monday, by Friday you might want to start looking at some basic things: Do I have all my audit reports? Does everybody have a cost center? Does every employee have an Infotype 9? Then, based on your ... Read more

SAP HCM Payroll tips – Audit Checks: Some key Infotypes not to overlook

Of all the audit checks that you could perform, there are a couple that really are key – and critical to payroll success. In fact, I'm actually working with a client that's recently gone live now. These audit checks were not put in place prior to go‑live, and now there's a scramble to put them in. One of them is checking a report that will go out and check for missing infotypes. If an employee is missing certain infotypes when they get into ... Read more

SAP HCM payroll tip: BSI TaxFactory Batch Test Tool

Since HCM relies on BSI TaxFactory for US payroll tax calculations, how do you handle verification and testing of BSI calculations in your payroll audits & testing? HCM teams may be unaware that BSI TaxFactory has a Batch Tool, which is my preferred method of testing BSI due to the easy of copying SAP information, manipulation of that information, and being able to save the scenarios for later use. When the time comes to apply TUBs, Cyclic, or upgrade to a newer version of BSI TaxFactory, ... Read more

SAP HCM payroll tip: Use the What If tool for quick testing of TaxFactory

SAP HCM relies on BSI TaxFactory for US payroll tax calculations, but HCM teams may be unaware that the tool is available and can help you do some quick testing when the time comes to apply TUBs, Cyclic, or upgrade to a newer version of BSI TaxFactory. For testing, we can reuse the scenarios we’ve already created by changing a few data elements instead of having to locate and create all the data in SAP. This does not replace end user testing, ... Read more

Payroll Configuration: Reduce payroll risk of upgrades, support packs, and configuration changes

We are all familiar with the fact that there are many components that must be in proper working order for the payroll process to result successfully. Each component is a risk point in the payroll process and mitigation of that risk is necessary. Some components are outside of the payroll department control and result is a dependency on other areas that may not always consider payroll requirements. Payroll processes combines data from several sources including: SAP System HRSPs (HR Support Packs) Configuration (custom and delivered) HR ... Read more

Talking to HR expert Mike Timm about common payroll issues and how to troubleshoot them

Andrea Haynes, the group editor of SAPexperts, recently had the opportunity to talk to Mike Timm of Integrated Consulting Group (he was also a featured speaker at the recent HR 2012 conference). Mike’s session at HR 2012 was about tips for fixing payroll after errors occur, and Andrea had some questions to ask him about this topic. Listen in and see what Mike had to say about the payroll process. Insider Learning Network | Talking to HR expert Mike Timm about common payroll issues ... Read more

Customizing the Time Evaluation Process with Table Entries, Schemas, Functions, Operations, & Rules

SAPexperts/HR In this video presentation by Mike Timm, learn about the key link in SAP payroll between wage types and tax models and how it affects payroll processing. Watch the video at SAPexperts | Customizing the Time Evaluation Process with Table Entries, Schemas, Functions, Operations, & Rules Read more

Q&A on troubleshooting payroll audits & process models with Mike Timm

During the Q&A on troubleshooting payroll audits & process models with Mike Timm (transcript) on April 17, Mike took questions on payroll errors and best practices for auditing payroll results. To follow the discussion, review the transcript here, or view the entire Q&A in the HR Forum. Amy Thistle: Welcome to today’s HR Forum! In this one-hour Forum, we invite you to ask HCM expert Mike Timm your questions about preventing and fixing payroll problems Mike Timm is a managing partner at Integrated Consulting Group, an ... Read more

Financials 2009 Las Vegas | March 17-20

Attend Financials 2009 for an unparalleled educational and networking event for accounting, finance, and management teams that rely on SAP software, and for the IT professionals who support them. A comprehensive guide to SAP HR payroll integration with SAP ERP Financials and SAP General Ledger Read more
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